
21 x 28 cm, Hardcover
Fantastic stories from Everglow
Catch the moment and
live the change.
In every thought lies a new beginning for a picture and its story. I keep these close to my heart so that I can reach them - ALWAYS.
In the quietest hours, when it gets dark and the night awakens, when everything is no longer familiar and ordinary, not only drawing but also writing has become a personal adventure.
I sit in front of you, you are empty, white and smooth; my eyes on you I begin to write on you with black ink, letting my thoughts run free, line by line, page by page - opening new gateways, creating mystical worlds. I don't know this other world yet, I'm writing it down for myself, for you - one story belongs to each of my friends.
Have a look into the book! Go to the corners of the book to thumb through.
Copyright 2024
Alle Inhalte, insbesondere Texte, Fotografien, Grafiken, Kunsterwerke, Videos und Animationen sind urheberrechtlich geschützt.
Alle Rechte einschließlich Vervielfältigung, Bearbeitung und Übersetzung bleiben vorbehalten. Sybille Wimmer-Thoma aka Billykatze, billykatze_innsbruck und The Syb.
Foto Portrait: Copyright - Yesim Eraslan